The way federal authorities apply United States immigration law—and sometimes even the letter of the law itself—often changes dramatically between presidential administrations. How the government runs U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) and other related agencies can also vary based on the administration. This leads to a uniquely complex area of federal law that can be virtually impossible to navigate effectively on your own.
Fortunately, you do not have to handle your immigration case alone if you seek help from a capable and compassionate attorney. Whether you want to apply for Legal Permanent Resident status or proactively deal with removal proceedings, a Mesa immigration lawyer could be the dependable ally you need to get the results you want.
Dealing with USCIS is almost always a time-consuming and immensely frustrating experience due to the frequency of processing delays originating from within this agency. On top of that, even a minor error or omission in a petition or application submitted to USCIS could lead to further delays while the problem is fixed or outright rejection of an applicant altogether.
Support from a capable immigration attorney in Mesa could make a huge difference in how effectively and efficiently an applicant can go through the petitioning process for things like:
Legal counsel could provide guidance about basic requirements and custom-tailored assistance throughout the application process.
Anyone who is not a U.S. citizen while residing in the U.S. with Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) status or who is living here without lawful status may be detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). If the immigration judge decides during a subsequent hearing that the detained individual violated U.S. immigration law, that person may be removed from the country and significantly restricted—if not barred completely—from reentering the U.S. lawfully in the future.
There are several ways to handle deportation proceedings based on the alleged violations, as well as numerous resolutions that may not necessarily end in the removal or loss of reentry privileges later. Representation from an immigration lawyer in Mesa could prove vital to ensuring an immigrant’s rights are respected and best interests protected throughout this process. Our firm personally understands removal proceedings and is dedicated to helping others through this process.
There is rarely a simple path forward when handling problems involving immigration law, especially for people without legal status here. However, one of the best things you can do to increase your chances of a positive case resolution is to seek counsel from someone with a track record of achieving good results on behalf of people in situations like yours. Not getting your desired result initially could result in costly litigation to appeal your case, which makes having good representation from the start crucial. Our attorneys understand how the immigration process feels first-hand because we have been through it.
Immigration is an important part of America’s economic and social fabric. Our Firm understands what it is to be an immigrant. Every person employed by us is either an immigrant herself or is related to a person in her family that is an immigrant. We are committed to ensuring the client understands his or her case by outlining the path to obtaining immigration status.
We have experience representing clients at all stages of deportation hearings and streamlining interactions with USCIS. Our firm has had success in the past reuniting people with their families, keeping families together, and helping individuals obtain United States citizenship. Call today to discuss how a Mesa immigration lawyer could help you.
Rocha Law Firm