Allegations of theft can happen for a variety of reasons. A person could be blindsided with a theft charge. Other times, a person simply made a mistake, and the potential punishment is harsh for a first offender.
When you or a loved one are detained, arrested, and charged with theft, you could use the aid of a considerate defense attorney. A Mesa theft lawyer could work to resolve your case while protecting your future.
Theft is one of the top crimes prosecutors bring against individuals. A prosecutor wants a conviction, and many times, a person pleads or admits to a crime they did not commit. Some common theft charges include:
Theft is a beatable charge, but to do so requires a clear understanding of the law and offenses. A theft lawyer in Mesa is fully versed in criminal law and could bring their expertise to a case.
Under Arizona Revised Statute § 13-1802, simple theft is charged as a misdemeanor, which carries up to 180 days in jail and fines of no more than $2,500. When a person faces accusations of taking the property of another valued over $1000, the charge increases to felony theft. ARS § 13-1802(G) lists five categories of felony theft and the exact dollar amount of property or services taken:
It is important to note that a class 1 felony theft charge could become a class 6 felony if the items allegedly taken are a gun or chattel. However, prosecutors do make misclassification errors. A Mesa attorney could look into your theft charge and find the errors and illegalities.
There are many ways to refute a theft charge. For example, an attorney could show the accused is the actual and rightful owner of the property or borrowed it based on a mistake, miscommunication, or devoid of intent. A legal representative could also demonstrate that there is not enough evidence to substantiate the charge or that the person accused was mistaken for someone else. Legal counsel could present information that a person was under financial or physical duress. No matter the circumstances surrounding a theft, a lawyer in Mesa can work to protect a person’s best interests through a strong defense.
A felony theft conviction could range anywhere from two years to twenty-five years. You deserve legal representation that will work to ensure a charge does not negatively affect your ability to earn a living, get credit, rent, and receive state and federal benefits. Do not feel you have to admit to a theft charge to put it behind you. You could reach out to a Mesa theft lawyer to drastically increase your odds of a favorable deal. Call us now to learn more.
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